Google Ads Onboarding
Business Name
Google Ad Account Staus
I need you to create our Google Ads Account
We have a Google Ads Account - Send us a linking request.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Google Ads Account #
Monthly Google Ads Budget
Target Locations
Locations To Exclude (Optional)
Service/Product Description
Best Selling Services/Product
Anything we should focus on?
Anything we SHOULD NOT advertise for?
Campaign Status
Takeover current campaign with adjustments
Start fresh and pause other campaigns
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Please provide any notes, goals or insights for this account/campaign
Ideal Cost Per Lead
Ideal Lead Quantity Per Month
Preferred Way to Receive Your Leads
I want to get phone calls.
I want people to fill out a form that gets emailed to me, and I will immediately follow up.
I want leads to text me directly.
Either way is fine.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Phone Number To Use For Ads
Email Address To Deliver Leads To